Payments table

Table storing user payments information

About this table

The user-payments table is an integral component of our payment service, designed to efficiently manage and store transactional data related to user payments. This table serves as a central repository for payment records, ensuring secure and rapid access to transaction details.

Access patterns

Retrieve User Transaction History

  • Use Case: Fetch all transactions made by a specific user.
  • Query Pattern: Query the table using the userId as the partition key. This returns all items with the matching userId, sorted by transactionId.

Lookup Specific Transaction

  • Use Case: Retrieve details of a specific transaction for a user.
  • Query Pattern: Use both userId (partition key) and transactionId (sort key) to get the specific transaction record.

Query Transactions Based on Status

  • Use Case: Identify transactions that are pending, successful, or failed.
  • Implementation: This may require the use of a Global Secondary Index (GSI) with status as the key if frequent queries are made based on the transaction status.


Table Status
Table Size
76 Bytes
Deletion Protection
Stream enabled
Read Capacity Units
Write Capacity Units
Creation Date
Last update: 2024-01-10T07:48:19.106Z

Resource owners (2)

  • T

    Payment Team


  • David Boyne
