User Event Bus

Internal event bus for user team


This document provides a comprehensive guide on the AWS EventBridge bus, focusing on its integration with the User Service. AWS EventBridge is a serverless event bus service that enables applications to communicate with each other using events. This guide covers the essentials of interacting with the EventBridge bus, including publishing events from the User Service.

Understanding EventBridge

AWS EventBridge allows you to route events between AWS services, integrated SaaS applications, and your own applications. It provides a central point to collect and process events, enabling you to build loosely coupled, distributed applications.

Key Features:

  • Event-Driven Architecture: Decouples event producers from consumers, promoting scalability and reliability.
  • Custom Event Buses: Create your own event buses for routing specific events.
  • Schema Registry: Discover, create, and manage event schemas.

EventBridge Bus in User Service

The User Service utilizes the EventBridge bus to publish events related to user activities such as account creation, updates, and deletion. Other services can subscribe to these events and react accordingly.


  • AWS account with appropriate permissions to access EventBridge and User Service.
  • Familiarity with the AWS SDK or AWS CLI.
  • Understanding of the event structure required by EventBridge.

Publishing Events to EventBridge

Events are published to an EventBridge bus in a specific format. Here is how the User Service can raise events:

  1. Define the Event Structure: Each event should adhere to the EventBridge event format. Here is a generic structure:

      "Source": "aws.user-service",
      "DetailType": "User Account Created",
      "Detail": "{\"username\": \"sampleuser\", \"email\": \"\"}",
      "EventBusName": "user-service-bus"
  2. Publishing an Event: Here's how you can publish an event using the AWS SDK for JavaScript (Node.js):

    // Load the AWS SDK
    const AWS = require('aws-sdk');
    AWS.config.update({region: 'YOUR_REGION'});
    // Create an EventBridge client
    const eventbridge = new AWS.EventBridge({apiVersion: '2015-10-07'});
    const params = {
      Entries: [
          Source: 'aws.user-service',
          DetailType: 'User Account Created',
          Detail: '{"username": "sampleuser", "email": ""}',
          EventBusName: 'user-service-bus'
    // Publish the event
    eventbridge.putEvents(params, function(err, data) {
      if (err) {
        console.log("Error", err);
      } else {
        console.log("Success", data.Entries);

Best Practices

  • Event Structure: Ensure the event structure adheres to the EventBridge format for compatibility.
  • Error Handling: Implement robust error handling while publishing events to handle potential issues gracefully.
  • Security: Use IAM roles and policies to securely control access to the EventBridge bus.


Integrating the User Service with AWS EventBridge allows for a highly scalable and decoupled architecture. By following the guidelines in this document, you can effectively publish events from the User Service to the EventBridge bus, enabling seamless communication between distributed applications and services.

For more detailed information, refer to the AWS EventBridge Documentation.