Payment Processor
Lambda function to process payments
What does this function do?
This Lambda function automates the processing of online payment transactions. On triggering, it validates transaction details, such as customer payment information and fund availability, and then securely communicates with external payment gateways to process the transactions. Upon receiving the gateway's response, the function updates the database with transaction statuses, handles error logging, and sends necessary notifications to customers and internal teams. It ensures efficiency, compliance with financial regulations, and robust error handling, making the payment process streamlined and secure for both the business and its customers.
aws lambda invoke --function-name PaymentProcessor
Example payload
{ "transactionId": "12345ABC", "customerId": "Cust78910", "amount": 100.0, "currency": "USD", "paymentMethod": { "type": "credit_card", "details": { "cardNumber": "1234-5678-9012-3456", "expiryDate": "12/24", "cvv": "123" } }, "billingAddress": { "firstName": "John", "lastName": "Doe", "street": "123 Main St", "city": "Anytown", "state": "Anystate", "zipCode": "12345", "country": "USA" }, "orderDetails": { "orderId": "Order123456", "items": [ { "itemId": "98765", "description": "Widget A", "quantity": 2, "unitPrice": 25.0 }, { "itemId": "54321", "description": "Widget B", "quantity": 1, "unitPrice": 50.0 } ] }, "callbackUrl": "" }
This function is owned by the payment team. Contact them if you have any questions.
- CodeSize
- 205.5 KB
- MemorySize
- 1024
- Runtime
- Handler
- index.handler
- Last Modified
- 2022-11-22T10:55:10.000+0000